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Tecnología de clasificación fotoeléctrica
  • Aplicaciones específicas y perspectivas futuras de la tecnología de clasificación fotoeléctrica Aplicaciones específicas y perspectivas futuras de la tecnología de clasificación fotoeléctrica Jul 03, 2024
    Descripción general de la tecnología de clasificación fotoeléctricaLa tecnología de clasificación fotoeléctrica es una tecnología que utiliza principios ópticos para identificar y clasificar materiales automáticamente. Detecta las propiedades ópticas de los materiales, como color, brillo, transparencia, etc., a través de sensores fotoeléctricos, y luego determina si tiene las características requeridas a través de algoritmos inteligentes preestablecidos y realiza el procesamiento de separación correspondiente. Esta tecnología se utiliza ampliamente en industrias como la minería, la agricultura, el procesamiento de alimentos y el reciclaje de materiales de desecho, especialmente para mejorar la eficiencia y precisión de la clasificación, reducir la intensidad de la mano de obra y reducir la contaminación ambiental.Principio de funcionamiento de la tecnología de clasificación fotoeléctrica.El principio de funcionamiento de la tecnología de clasificación fotoeléctrica implica varios componentes clave: sistema de fuente de luz, sistema de sensores, sistema de procesamiento de señales y sistema de ejecución. En primer lugar, el sistema de fuente de luz proporciona luz de diferentes longitudes de onda para iluminar el material a detectar, de modo que la luz reflejada presente diferentes colores. El sistema de sensores, normalmente un sensor CCD de matriz lineal, captura estas luces y las convierte en señales eléctricas. El sistema de procesamiento de señales procesa estas señales eléctricas, analiza las características de los materiales mediante algoritmos de procesamiento de imágenes y los clasifica según estándares preestablecidos. Finalmente, el sistema de ejecución clasifica los materiales clasificados, generalmente mediante un flujo de aire de alta velocidad o brazos robóticos para excluir productos defectuosos y conservar productos de alta calidad.Aplicación de la tecnología de clasificación fotoeléctrica en la minería.En el campo de la minería, la tecnología de clasificación fotoeléctrica se utiliza principalmente para la clasificación previa del mineral para mejorar la ley general del mineral y reducir el costo del procesamiento posterior. Por ejemplo, en el proceso de clasificación de minerales de fosfato, la tecnología de clasificación fotoeléctrica puede identificar y eliminar eficazmente minerales y escombros de baja calidad, mejorando así la eficiencia del procesamiento de minerales y reduciendo el consumo de energía. Además, esta tecnología también se puede utilizar para procesar recursos de fosfato con un tamaño de partícula fino y una morfología incrustada compleja, de modo que los recursos que originalmente eran difíciles de desarrollar y utilizar de manera económica y eficiente puedan aprovecharse por completo.Ventajas y desafíos de la tecnología de clasificación fotoeléctricaLas ventajas de la tecnología de clasificación fotoeléctrica radican en su alta precisión, alta eficiencia y características de protección ambiental. Puede completar la clasificación de una gran cantidad de materiales en poco tiempo sin agregar reactivos químicos, lo que reduce la contaminación del medio ambiente. Sin embargo, la tecnología también enfrenta algunos desafíos, como adaptarse a las necesidades de clasificación de más tipos y estructuras de mineral complejas, mejorar la estabilidad y la capacidad antiinterferente del sistema y reducir los costos.Desarrollo futuro de la tecnología de clasificación fotoeléctricaCon el avance continuo de la tecnología, se espera que la tecnología de clasificación fotoeléctrica mejore aún más la precisión y la estabilidad del reconocimiento en el futuro, amplíe el alcance de la aplicación y desempeñe un papel más importante en la minería y otros campos. Por ejemplo, al combinar tecnologías como la inteligencia artificial y el análisis de big data, el sistema de clasificación fotoeléctrico será más inteligente y automatizado, y podrá adaptarse mejor a diferentes entornos de trabajo y requisitos de clasificación.Aplicación de MINGDE Tecnología de clasificación optoelectrónicahefei mINGDE Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd., como empresa líder en el campo de la clasificación minera en China, ha tomado la iniciativa en la introducción de inteligencia artificial, clasificación de big data y otras tecnologías en el campo de la clasificación fotoeléctrica de minerales, ampliando la variedad de clasificación de minerales. mediante máquinas clasificadoras fotoeléctricas y haciendo que el efecto de clasificación sea más preciso. La máquina de servicio pesado desarrollada por la empresa puede clasificar minerales con tamaños de partículas más grandes, lo que genera una mayor producción y cumple con los requisitos de las empresas mineras para la clasificación de minerales a gran escala. su fundación en 2014, la empresa lleva diez años trabajando intensamente en el campo de la clasificación de minerales. El personal visitó varias áreas mineras en China en el lugar, se comunicó plenamente con varias compañías mineras y comprendió profundamente los diversos requisitos de las minas para los equipos de clasificación. La estructura general de la MINGDE la máquina clasificadora adopta una estructura dividida para evitar la influencia de la vibración de alimentación en la parte principal de la máquina clasificadora, asegurando la precisión de la clasificación; El uso de una cinta transportadora en lugar de un canal reduce el problema del reemplazo frecuente de piezas de desgaste de la máquina del canal. Toda la máquina está recubierta con una capa anticorrosión, que mejora la adaptabilidad de la máquina al duro entorno de trabajo con mucho polvo, alta contaminación y alta corrosión en la industria minera.MINGDE Optoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd. siempre ha creído que la integridad hace que MINGDE un éxito y mINGDE crea la mejor misión corporativa. Estamos dispuestos a trabajar junto con amigos de todos los ámbitos de la vida para lograr el desarrollo a largo plazo de la inteligencia y la automatización minera.
  • Los desafíos y estrategias de los equipos de clasificación fotoeléctricos para la clasificación de minerales Los desafíos y estrategias de los equipos de clasificación fotoeléctricos para la clasificación de minerales Jul 05, 2024
    Descripción generalLa tecnología de clasificación fotoeléctrica es una tecnología que utiliza las diferencias en las características de los materiales y ha demostrado un enorme potencial en el campo de la clasificación de minerales. Este artículo explorará la aplicación de la tecnología de clasificación optoelectrónica en el campo de la clasificación de minerales, así como los desafíos y estrategias de respuesta en el campo de la clasificación de minerales.Aplicación de la tecnología de clasificación fotoeléctrica en la clasificación de minerales.La tecnología de clasificación optoelectrónica incluye principalmente la clasificación por luz visible, infrarroja, ultravioleta y rayos X. Captura la información de transmisión o reflexión de la luz de las partículas de mineral a través de sensores de alta precisión y luego determina si es valiosa mediante el algoritmo inteligente preestablecido y se separa la esencia.Aventaja1. Mejorar la precisión de la clasificación: la tecnología de clasificación óptica puede mejorar significativamente la precisión de la clasificación de minerales y mejorar eficazmente los productos de mineral en bruto.2. Reducir costos: mediante el lanzamiento previo, se reducen el procesamiento y el costo de la sesión de minería posterior.3. Protección del medio ambiente: el proceso de clasificación optoelectrónico no necesita agregar reactivos químicos para reducir la contaminación ambiental.Aplicaciones1. Clasificación de minerales de fósforo: la tecnología de clasificación óptica muestra una ventaja significativa al tratar con recursos de minerales de fósforo de baja ley, que pueden eliminar rápidamente una gran cantidad de piedras de pulso inútiles y reducir la presión de los segmentos mineros posteriores.2. Clasificación de minas de oro: la tecnología de clasificación óptica puede enriquecer el mineral de oro y lograr productos mineros más económicos.Enfrentando desafíos y estrategias de respuestaCdesafío1. Adaptabilidad: cómo adaptarse a más especies y estructuras minerales más complicadas.2. Estabilidad y capacidad antiinterferencia: Mejorar la estabilidad y capacidad antiinterferencia del sistema.3. Disminuir costos: reducir aún más los costos, aumentar la rentabilidad.Pvengativo msolución1. Innovación técnica: introducir tecnologías de vanguardia como inteligencia artificial y análisis de big data para mejorar el nivel inteligente del sistema de clasificación.2. Actualización de equipos: optimice continuamente el rendimiento de los sensores fotoeléctricos y las agencias de ejecución, y mejore la eficiencia y precisión de la clasificación.3. Promoción de la industrialización: acumular experiencia en aplicaciones y promover la popularización de la tecnología a mayor escala.Equipo de clasificación de optoelectrónica de MingdePara los desafíos de adaptación del equipo de clasificación en la clasificación del mineral, Mingde Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. ha introducido de manera innovadora tecnología de inteligencia artificial en el campo de la clasificación fotoeléctrica tradicional. Al tiempo que mejora la precisión de la clasificación, ha ampliado enormemente los tipos de clasificación de minerales.Para el desafío de la estabilidad de la máquina y la capacidad antiinterferente, la cámara de clasificación de la máquina de Mingde es una cámara de red Gigabit, que tiene imágenes más claras y una clasificación más precisa. La máquina es un marco de acero completo, que adopta una estructura dividida para evitar el impacto del parte de vibración en el host de clasificación. El host de clasificación adopta una estructura cerrada, a prueba de polvo e impermeable, de modo que los resultados de la clasificación sean más estables, y la máquina también es un ambiente hostil con mucho polvo, alta contaminación y alta corrosión de la industria de la maquinaria.Ante los desafíos de costos que enfrentan los equipos de división fotoeléctrica, Mingde Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. ha trabajado duro y ha logrado avances técnicos independientes.El desarrollo independiente de un conjunto completo de sistemas de software resuelve la posibilidad potencial de que las tecnologías externas influyan en las restricciones de producción independiente de la empresa y reducen considerablemente los costos de producción, haciendo que las máquinas sean más asequibles.ónLas perspectivas de aplicación de la tecnología de clasificación fotoeléctrica en el campo de la clasificación de minerales pueden mejorar efectivamente el sabor del mineral, reducir los costos y tener un buen desempeño de protección ambiental. Ante los desafíos, la industrialización debe fortalecerse mediante la innovación tecnológica y la actualización de equipos para lograr su aplicación generalizada en el campo de la clasificación de minerales.
  • Market Application and Sorting of Calcite Market Application and Sorting of Calcite Aug 15, 2024
    Calcite is a common calcium carbonate mineral with the chemical formula of CaCO3, which is widely used in various fields. Its crystal forms are diverse, which can be flake, plate, cone, column, etc., and the colors are different, including colorless, white, pink, green, yellow, red, blue, gray and black. The variability and rich colors of calcite make it one of the important ornamental minerals. Calcite belongs to the trigonal system and has a calcite family structure of the island carbonate mineral subclass. It has various forms. According to statistics, there are more than 600 different polymorphs. The physical properties of calcite include Mohs hardness 3 and density of about 2.71g/cm³. It has complete cleavage in three directions and can form rhombus-shaped fragments. The chemical properties of calcite are soluble in hydrochloric acid, so it needs to be carefully protected during transportation and cleaning. The application range of calcite is very wide, covering many fields such as construction, chemical industry, metallurgy, and medicine. Building materials In the field of construction, calcite is one of the most important rock-forming ores and is widely used in the production of cement, lime and other building products. Its addition can improve the process properties of materials and increase strength and durability. For example, calcite is an indispensable raw material in the manufacture of building materials such as limestone and marble. In addition, calcite is also used in the production of decorative materials such as architectural coatings and wall coatings to provide better whiteness and gloss. Chemical industry In the chemical industry, calcite, as one of the main sources of calcium carbonate minerals, is widely used as a chemical additive and filler. It can be used to manufacture chemical products such as plastics, rubber, paints, and coatings to improve the physical properties and process properties of the products. Especially in the papermaking industry, calcite, as a filler, can improve the gloss and smoothness of paper. Metallurgical industry In the metallurgical industry, calcite can be used as a flux in the ironmaking process to reduce the furnace temperature, accelerate the reduction reaction of iron ore, and increase the yield of pig iron. At the same time, it can also be used as a desulfurizer in steel smelting, converting sulfides in molten iron into volatile substances, reducing the sulfur content in steel and improving the quality of steel. In addition, calcite can also be used as a sand core material in the foundry industry to improve the surface quality and dimensional accuracy of castings. Medical field The application of calcite in the medical field is reflected in its use as a source of limestone, which can be used to make lime and then as a raw material in pharmaceuticals. Lime can be used to make calcium agents, such as calcium tablets, calcium powder, etc., for the prevention and treatment of calcium deficiency. Other uses The birefringence of calcite also makes it uniquely used in the optical field, such as for the manufacture of optical instrument components such as polarizing prisms. In addition, calcite is also used in food additives, environmental protection treatment and other fields. In order to achieve the above market applications, calcite sorting is essential. At present, the more common calcite sorting methods on the market are gravity separation, magnetic separation, flotation and photoelectric separation. Among them, the gravity separation method uses the difference in density between calcite and other minerals to achieve separation by gravity separation. This method is suitable for the sorting of ores with large density differences. Magnetic separation is to separate ores with magnetic differences through magnetic separation technology. This is often used to distinguish between magnetic minerals and non-magnetic minerals. Because both separation methods have certain limitations. Gravity separation equipment usually requires a large site, which increases the investment in infrastructure, and the accuracy of gravity separation is not high, and the separation effect is not ideal. Magnetic separators are mainly suitable for finer magnetic particles. For larger particles, the separation effect may be limited. At the same time, the separation effect for non-magnetic ores and impurities is not ideal. In addition, like gravity separation equipment, magnetic separation equipment also requires a large site and requires increased investment in infrastructure. Photoelectric separation is mainly used to sort calcite through ore color sorters. Ore color sorters use the differences in the optical properties of ores for sorting, and use high-resolution CCD image sensors and high-speed computing processing units to quickly identify and separate ore particles. This technology not only improves the efficiency and accuracy of sorting, but also reduces environmental pollution and energy consumption. CCD Sensor Based Ore Color Sorter As an emerging ore sorting technology, photoelectric sorting technology has shown many significant advantages in the application of calcite sorting. High efficiency Photoelectric separation technology can quickly remove a large amount of useless gangue, reduce the pressure of subsequent mineral processing links, and improve separation efficiency. This technology can process a large amount of materials in a short time, and has high separation accuracy, which helps to improve the grade of calcite. Low cost Compared with traditional physical and chemical mineral processing, the only energy consumption of photoelectric separation is electricity consumption, and the cost of mineral processing per ton is about 1 yuan, which is much lower than the average cost of traditional methods. Green and environmental protection Photoelectric separation has zero pollution to the environment and is a greener way of mineral processing. This is especially important today when environmental protection is increasingly valued. Technological progress With the development of computer technology and artificial intelligence technology, the intelligence level of photoelectric separation equipment has been continuously improved, which can better adapt to the separation needs of different types and complex ore structures. Strong adaptability By introducing cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence and big data analysis, the intelligence level and adaptability of the photoelectric separation system have been greatly improved, and it can process more types of ores. High safety Photoelectric separation equipment does not need to add any chemical agents during operation, avoiding the safety risks that may be caused by chemical agents. Hefei Mingde Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. has been professionally engaged in the research and production of intelligent sorting equipment for mining for more than ten years. Its ore color sorter and AI ore sorter have excellent performance in the sorting of calcite, especially the AI ​​artificial intelligence sorter, which can accurately extract and distinguish the surface features of calcite and miscellaneous stones, and achieve high-precision sorting. The machine can produce about 200 tons per hour, which can meet the production needs of large mines. MINGDE AI Sorting Machine Flotation technology, as an efficient mineral processing method, also plays an important role in the sorting of calcite. With the development of technology, the flotation methods of calcite have also become different, and we will introduce them separately. Traditional flotation separation Traditional calcite flotation separation mainly relies on the action of chemical agents, including the use of inhibitors and collectors. Inhibitors are used to reduce the floatability of calcite, while collectors are used to enhance the flotation ability of target minerals (such as fluorite). Although this method can achieve separation to a certain extent, its efficiency and selectivity still need to be improved. New flotation separation technology Recently, researchers have proposed a variety of new methods for the flotation separation of calcite and fluorite. For example, some studies have studied the effects of glucose and Al3+ on the flotation separation of calcite and fluorite by means of microflotation experiments, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), solution chemical calculations, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and density functional theory (DFT). In addition, there are studies that use the regulator PDP to strengthen the DDA system, and achieve effective separation of brucite and calcite by optimizing the operating parameters of the flotation machine and adjusting the type and concentration of the flotation agent. Currently, the sorting technology of calcite is developing rapidly in the direction of high efficiency, environmental protection and intelligence. Through the continuous optimization of chemical agents and novel intelligent sorting technology, the separation efficiency and purity of calcite have been significantly improved, which is of great significance for improving the utilization efficiency of mineral resources and promoting the sustainable development of the mining industry. In the future, with the continuous advancement of science and technology, the sorting technology of calcite is expected to achieve more innovations and breakthroughs. Overall, as a multifunctional mineral, calcite has a wide range of applications. With the continuous development of science and technology, the application areas of calcite will continue to expand, bringing more convenience and contribution to human production and life.
  • Market Application and Processing of Mica Market Application and Processing of Mica Aug 23, 2024
    I. Overview Mica is an important industrial mineral with a layered structure and good physical and chemical properties, so it has a wide range of applications in many fields. There are many types of mica, including but not limited to muscovite, phlogopite, biotite, lepidolite, etc. Each type of mica has its own specific composition and properties, which determines their application in different fields. Mica belongs to the layered structure of the monoclinic system, and its chemical formula is KAl2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2. Its hardness is generally between 2.5-4, and its specific gravity is about 2.77-2.88g/cm³. Mica crystals are usually plate-shaped pseudo-hexagonal, transparent to translucent, with a very complete set of bottom cleavage, so they can be easily peeled into thin sheets. These thin sheets have significant elasticity and toughness, and can be bent to a certain extent without breaking easily. Mica minerals can be divided into three subgroups according to chemical composition and optical characteristics: muscovite subgroup, biotite-phlogopite subgroup and lepidolite subgroup. The color can range from colorless to white, and sometimes it can appear light yellow, light green or light red. Its luster is similar to glass or pearl, so it will have a similar effect when observed at a certain angle. In addition, mica has strong insulation and heat resistance, and can maintain stable performance under high temperature conditions, which makes it particularly important in the electronics and electrical industries. The main chemical components of mica include aluminum oxide (Al2O3), iron oxide (Fe2O3), potassium oxide (K2O), etc. In addition to these main elements, mica may also contain trace amounts of sodium, magnesium, iron, lithium, etc., as well as water and oxides. These chemical components give mica different physical properties, such as electrical insulation, heat resistance and chemical stability. II. Global distribution of mica The global distribution of mica mineral resources is relatively wide, and the main production areas include India: India is rich in mica mineral resources, especially in Bihar and Andhra Pradesh, where there are a large number of mica mines. Russia: Russia's mica resources are also very rich, especially in Siberia. China: China's mica resources are mainly distributed in Xinjiang, Sichuan, Inner Mongolia and other provinces, especially in Xinjiang Altai, Sichuan Danba and Inner Mongolia Tuguiwula. Madagascar: This African island country is also an important producer of mica, especially in its northern region. Brazil: Brazil's mica resources are mainly concentrated in the southeastern region. Argentina: Argentina also has certain mica mineral resources. III. Market Application The market application of mica is very wide, including but not limited to the electronics industry, building materials, automobile manufacturing, power equipment, cosmetics, fireproof materials, etc. The application of mica in these fields not only reflects its excellent physical and chemical properties, but also reflects its irreplaceable importance in modern industry and daily life. Electronic Industry In the electronics industry, mica is used as a high-frequency insulation material, especially in high-frequency circuits, where mica has a small dielectric loss and can effectively reduce signal loss. In addition, mica is also used to make printed circuit boards because it can withstand high temperatures without losing its insulation properties. Building Materials In the construction industry, mica is used as an efficient thermal insulation material, which can prevent energy loss caused by the temperature difference between the inside and outside of the building. Mica also provides additional fire protection because its layered structure can prevent the spread of flames. Automotive Manufacturing In automotive manufacturing, mica is used as part of the body material to improve the heat resistance and safety of the vehicle. Mica can also be used in brake pads to improve its heat resistance and reduce the heat generated by friction. Power Equipment In power equipment, mica is used as an insulating material, especially for transformers, cables and other power equipment. Mica's high heat resistance and chemical stability make it ideal for these applications. Cosmetics In the cosmetics industry, mica is used as a brightening ingredient to make products look more shiny. In addition, mica's flaky structure helps fill in skin lines and make the skin look smoother. Fireproof Materials In fireproof materials, mica is used as an effective thermal insulation and fire-resistant material. Mica's multi-layered structure can reflect heat back, thereby reducing the damage caused by fire. Ⅳ. Processing Process Complete mica processing involves a series of process flows from the mining, sorting, crushing, grinding of raw ore to the final mica products. This time we will briefly introduce the three links of crushing, sorting and grinding. Crushing The crushing of mica ore is an important link in the mica processing process, which directly affects the subsequent processing and application performance of mica. At present, the main crushing equipment on the market includes jaw crusher, roller crusher, cone crusher and other types, each of which has its specific application scenarios and advantages. The roller crusher plays an important role in the crushing of mica ore. It has the advantages of high crushing ratio, strong processing capacity, low maintenance cost, and precise control of finished product particle shape. By adjusting the roller spacing and crushing pressure, the discharge particle size can be effectively controlled to ensure the integrity of the mica sheet, which is conducive to improving the quality and application value of the product. Jaw crushers are often used in the crushing of lithium mica ore, especially for the initial crushing of large pieces of raw ore, crushing the ore to a suitable feed fineness, creating conditions for subsequent processing. Water jet mill crushing technology is a new type of mica crushing method. It cuts and crushes the material through high-speed jet water flow. It has the advantages of high crushing fineness, high precision, less dust generation and less wear on equipment. The crusher for mica production with a multi-stage crushing structure prepares for later processing through multi-angle crushing to improve work efficiency. The crushing process of mica ore usually includes the mining and screening of raw ore, crushing, screening and grading, and air separation. The specific process includes the use of a jaw crusher for primary crushing, followed by secondary crushing with a roller crusher, and finally a particle size screening by a screening machine to achieve the required particle size distribution. What needs to be paid attention to during the crushing process is the selection and parameter setting of the crushing equipment, as well as the screening and separation effect after crushing. For example, although the water jet mill crushing mica technology has many advantages, it also has the problems of high equipment cost and narrow crushing particle size range, and the mica mineral needs to be pretreated. Sorting The sorting technology of mica is a key link in the processing of mica ore, which is directly related to the quality and output of mica products. The methods of mica sorting mainly include hand sorting, gravity sorting, magnetic separation, flotation and photoelectric sorting. Hand sorting is the oldest and most direct sorting method, which is suitable for the sorting of large mica. Workers can directly pick out the separated mica on the mining face or ore pile. Gravity separation is a method of sorting using the difference in mineral density, which is suitable for coarse-grained mica. Commonly used gravity separation equipment includes jigs, shaking tables and spiral chutes. Magnetic separation is a method of sorting using the difference in mineral magnetic properties, which is mainly used to sort mica containing iron impurities. Magnetic separation equipment mainly includes dry magnetic separators and wet magnetic separators. Flotation is a method of sorting using the difference in physical and chemical properties of the mineral surface. It is currently the most widely used sorting method and is suitable for fine-grained mica. During the flotation process, attention should be paid to factors such as the selection and dosage of reagents, flotation time and concentration. Mica photoelectric sorting technology is a technology that uses optical and electrical properties to classify mica ores. This technology is mainly used in the field of ore processing. By identifying the differences in surface characteristics such as color, texture, and gloss between mica and other minerals, effective separation of mica is achieved. With the continuous advancement of science and technology, photoelectric sorting technology has been widely used in the mining field, especially in the beneficiation process of mica ores, showing significant advantages. Compared with other sorting methods, photoelectric sorting has the characteristics of high efficiency, low cost, environmental protection and high intelligence level. Single-layer AI Ore Sorting Machine In practical applications, photoelectric sorting technology has been proven to effectively improve the beneficiation efficiency of mica ore. For example, Mingde Optoelectronics' photoelectric sorting equipment has achieved high-precision identification and sorting on multiple metal and non-metallic minerals, including lithium mica, spodumene, barite, etc. Double-layer AI Ore Sorting Machine Hefei Mingde Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. has introduced AI and big data technology in the field of photoelectric sorting. The AI intelligent sorting machine launched can accurately extract the surface characteristics of mica ore and realize the accurate sorting of ore and impurities. Grinding The grinding process is carried out after flotation is completed, with the purpose of further refining the mica after flotation to the required particle size. The grinding process usually includes two stages: primary grinding and secondary grinding. By adjusting the grinding medium and time, the fineness and uniformity of mica particles can be effectively controlled. There are two main methods for mica grinding: dry and wet, each of which has its own characteristics and applicable occasions. Dry grinding refers to grinding without adding any liquid. This method is simple to operate and has low cost, but due to the lack of lubrication, the heat generated by grinding may cause damage to the mica crystals, affecting its flaky structure and exfoliation. The equipment commonly used for dry grinding includes Raymond mills, ball mills, etc. Wet grinding is to add an appropriate amount of water or other liquids during the grinding process to protect the mica crystals through liquid lubrication and cooling, reduce heat accumulation, and thus protect the structure of the mica from being destroyed. Wet grinding can obtain mica powder with higher purity and better exfoliation, but it requires an additional drying step, and the equipment investment and energy consumption are relatively high. The processing quality of mica powder is directly related to the performance of the final product, so it is particularly important to choose a suitable mill. The selection of the mill needs to consider the characteristics of mica and the required fineness, purity and other requirements. Key points for selecting a mill Type of mill: According to the physical and chemical properties of mica, as well as the required fineness and purity, you can choose a high-pressure mill, a vertical mill, an ultrafine mill, etc. Grinding efficiency: An efficient mill can improve production efficiency and save energy costs. For example, some grinding mills can increase production by more than 40% through optimized design, while saving 30-40% of electricity consumption costs. Environmental performance: Modern grinding mills emphasize environmental performance and are equipped with pulse dust collectors and other equipment to achieve efficient dust removal and meet environmental protection and noise reduction requirements. Product specifications: The grinding mill should be able to produce mica powder specifications that meet the requirements, such as 325 mesh, 600 mesh and other different finenesses. Process adaptability: The grinding mill should be able to adapt to different grinding processes, such as dry and wet methods, and whether special processes such as acid treatment are required to improve the whiteness of mica powder. Specific equipment recommendation High-pressure grinding mill: Suitable for large-scale production, high-pressure suspension roller grinding mills and other models can be provided, suitable for processing mica ores with higher hardness. Vertical grinding mill: Suitable for large-scale production, with high efficiency and low energy consumption, the product particle size can be adjusted to meet different needs. Ultrafine grinding mill: Suitable for the preparation of ultrafine mica powder, can reach micron-level fineness, suitable for application scenarios with strict requirements on fineness. Airflow mill: suitable for dry grinding, crushing mica through high-speed airflow, suitable for preparing ultrafine powder. This is the introduction of mica. In short, as a multi-purpose mineral, mica is not only widely used in industry, but also plays an important role in scientific research and life. With the development of processing technology and different innovations of new technologies, the application prospects of mica will become broader and broader.
  • New Method for Gold Ore Sorting - Photoelectric Sorting New Method for Gold Ore Sorting - Photoelectric Sorting Aug 30, 2024
    Gold has always been a dazzling word. It is a symbol of wealth and power, and it also carries the profound connotation of culture, history and religion. At present, the main sources of gold are mining, recycling, sale and leasing by central banks and international organizations, and seabed mining. Mining has always been the most traditional and stable source of gold, accounting for about 70% of the entire gold market. Gold mines are widely distributed, and there are gold resources in many countries and regions around the world. According to the latest information, gold resources are mainly concentrated in Africa, Asia, South America, North America and Australia. Among them, Africa has the richest gold resources, and South Africa, Ghana, Senegal and other countries are the main gold production areas in Africa. Asia, especially China, Russia and India, also has a large amount of gold resources. Brazil, Peru and Colombia in South America are also important gold production areas. Canada and the United States in North America are the main gold production areas, and Australia is one of the most important gold resource countries in the world. Gold mining is a complex and technology-intensive process, involving multiple links from exploration, mining, beneficiation to smelting. Gold mining requires not only advanced equipment and technology, but also environmental protection and safety production requirements. Exploration is the first step in gold mining. The location and reserves of gold mines are determined through geological exploration technology. Preparatory work before mining includes infrastructure construction, such as building roads and setting up necessary facilities. There are two main mining methods: open-pit mining and underground mining. Open-pit mining is suitable for surface deposits, while underground mining is suitable for deeper ore bodies. During the mining process, commonly used equipment includes drilling machines, blasting equipment and mine cars. Ore dressing is to process the mined ore to extract the gold. Ore dressing processes include crushing, grinding, screening, gravity separation and flotation. Crushing and grinding are to reduce the particle size of the ore for subsequent processing; screening is to separate ores of different particle sizes; gravity separation and flotation are to separate gold and other minerals by physical and chemical methods. With the continuous advancement of science and technology, photoelectric separation has also become an important way of gold ore separation. It detects minerals through photoelectric sensors based on the optical properties of minerals, such as color, texture, gloss, shape, etc., to achieve mineral sorting. Photoelectric sorting technology is developed on the basis of traditional mineral processing technology. It has the advantages of high efficiency, environmental protection, and energy saving. The sorting equipment mainly consists of four parts. Feeding system: Through the vibrating feeder and crawler, the materials to be sorted are fed into the detection area of ​​the photoelectric system at a constant speed to ensure the stability of the sorting effect. Photoelectric system: It consists of a light source, a background plate, a sensor or an X-ray source, and a transmission plate. By collecting the comprehensive characteristics of the ore surface or the density difference, the ore is imaged in high definition, and the sensor is converted into an electrical signal to convey it to the electronic control system. Control system: Receives the electrical signal transmitted by the photoelectric system, identifies and analyzes it, and through model training and learning, intelligently identifies and compares good and bad ores, and realizes the identification and sorting of non-massive ore data. Sorting system: According to the instructions of the electronic control system, the defective products are blown into the defective product tank through the spray valve to achieve the sorting purpose. AI Ore Sorting Machine The advantage of photoelectric sorting technology for gold mines is that it can improve the efficiency and accuracy of mineral processing while reducing environmental pollution. Compared with traditional physical and chemical mineral processing, photoelectric mineral processing has lower energy consumption, and the cost of mineral processing per ton is about 1 yuan, which is much lower than the average cost of traditional methods. In addition, photoelectric mineral processing has zero pollution to the environment and is a greener way of mineral processing. Hefei Mingde Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. has been focusing on the research and development, production and sales of photoelectric sorting equipment since its establishment. For gold mine sorting, the company currently has two main equipment solutions to choose from: for those gold mines with better dissociation and obvious surface characteristics of ore and impurities, the company's AI intelligent sorting machine can achieve effective sorting. For gold mines with good ores and impurity surface characteristics that are not obvious, the company has launched an X-ray intelligent sorting machine, which can combine the analysis of different densities of ore and impurities to achieve gold mine sorting. X-ray Intelligent Ore Sorting Machine Gold mines are an important natural resource, and their mining and processing have a profound impact on the national economy and the global market. With the advancement of science and technology and changes in market demand, gold mining and mineral processing technologies continue to develop and innovate to adapt to more efficient and environmentally friendly mining models. At the same time, as a metal with multiple functions, gold's position in the field of financial investment cannot be ignored. In the future, as the global economic landscape evolves, the gold mining industry and its related investment products will continue to play an important role on the international stage.

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